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7 Ultimate Guitar For Beginners Course – How To Play E Minor On Guitar

Welcome back for lesson 2 – How To Play E Minor On Guitar

The first chord on the acoustic or electric guitar can sometimes be a daunting one but the 7 ultimate guitar chords for beginner course starts with a relatively easy chord, because there is only two fingers needed.

Here are some insights on how to perform the E Minor chord correctly:

  • There are just two fingers needed for E Minor, your 2nd finger and your 3rd finger. Put your 2nd Finger on the 2nd fret (A string) and your 3 finger on the 2nd fret (D string) using the finger tips press down firmly.
  • As your pressing down the two fingers, each string should be touching the fingerboard of the guitar. Now to perform these chords effectively extend the wrist enough so that your fingers clear the strings.
  • When pressing down on the strings watch you’re not blocking any other strings with your 2nd or 3rd finger (especially the G string). Watch out for buzzing noises from the frets also when performing this chord. When performing the E Minor chord make sure your holding the pick correctly, as you pick each string separately and softly. Pick the 6 strings on the guitar.