Free Guitar Lessons Online

Welcome to the Your Guitar Success Guitar Lessons. Here you will find free guitar lessons for students of all skill levels. It doesn’t matter if you are just learning how to play guitar or if you already have years of experience. Our video lessons can help you get started with the basics or pick-up wherever your past studies left off.

We recently added over 400+ minutes of high-definition videos. So if you are looking for beginner guitar lessons, rhythm guitar lessons and even lead guitar lessons – we’ve got you covered, all of these lessons can be applied on acoustic guitar or electric guitar and right handed or left handed guitarists.

What Do You Want To Learn On Guitar?


    Beginner Guitar Song Series

    Free Guitar Lessons on songs for the complete beginner. Develop your strumming, picking and open chords in the styles of Green Day, Thin Lizzy, Snow Patrol, CCR, John Denver,Van Morrison and much more…


    Intermediate Guitar Song Series

    Not a beginner? Want more challenging songs that develop your barre chords, chord changes etc…Try our intermediate guitar song series play songs like Wake Me Up, Hold Back The River, and much more…


    Colour-Coded Diagrams On Each Song For Easy Learning

    In each song we have included Colour-Coded-Diagrams for easy learning so you know exactly how to play each chord with exact chord fingerings…


    Chords/Lyrics To Play Or Sing Along As You Learn

    With each guitar lesson there is chords and lyrics for each song so you can play the guitar and sing along as you learn your favorite songs…


    Download Guitar Tabs For Specific Picking And Lead Guitar Songs

    If you want to learn a specific guitar part of a song, you can now download or print the guitar tab for each song…


    Free Access To Our 8 Part Video Guitar Course

    In each song you have the chance to access to our most popular guitar course for FREE, all you have to do is fill your first name and your email address the course is yours.

Choose The Level Of Songs You Want To Learn

Beginner Guitar Song Series   
Intermediate Guitar Song Series