Welcome to the guitar riffs for beginners series. This section is for you to learn guitar riffs quickly and easily that will not take weeks or months to learn. I designed this guitar riffs for beginners series to help improve the basic techniques on the guitar, as well as learn the greatest guitar riffs ever recorded on the guitar…these riffs will help you improve all other areas on the guitar. The more you watch these videos the better you’ll get, repetition is the key to success on the guitar.
How To Play Smoke On The Water By Deep Purple
In this first guitar riffs guitar lesson your going to learn how to play smoke on the water guitar riff by British hard-rock band Deep Purple. There is not a guitarist on the planet who doesn’t know how to play this iconic rock riff, and the beauty of it it’s so simple…
There is so many ways you can play this intro, I know because I’ve learned and performed this 3 different ways over the years but for pure simplicity…I’m choosing to teach this song with open strings Read More>>