In this lesson our lead guitar tutor James Mulligan is going to be teaching a late 80′s classic, which was recently covered by John Mayer..and by the end of this lesson you’ll know How to play free fallin on guitar. Originally written and recorded by the American artist Tom Petty. To play this song correctly there is only 3 chords and very easy to learn, there is D Major, Dsus4 and A Major…The strumming is a little bit tricky, but with a bit of practice…shouldn’t be a problem for you…

The first chord in the introduction is D Major, and here is how you play D Major:

Put your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret high E string, then your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret B string and finally your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret G string. Remember to play 4 strings on the guitar.

Now for the intro your just strum 1 downstroke…


Next play the chord Dus4… and the only difference between D Major and D Sus4 is that you put your little finger on the 3rd fret high E string. Just as the chord diagram outlines on the left.

The strumming for this chord stays the same…Strum 4 strings with complete down stroke also.



Once you’ve strummed the DSus4 chord, next go back to the chord D Major and strum the same pattern 4 strings with 1 downstroke…Which then leaves the third and final chord to learn, the A Major chord and here is how you play it:

Put your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret D string, then your 3rd finger on the 2nd fret G string and finally your 4th finger on the 2nd fret B string. This time play 5 strings on the guitar. After you’ve strummed the D Major pattern, strum this same pattern for A Major….

Now the same chord progression is repeated quite a few times when your learning how to play free falling on guitar, next is the strumming section.


The good news is that the strumming section is the exact same chords as the introduction…So there is no new chords to learn…but you must watch the video to really learn the strumming properly…

The strumming for the chords above is: Down Up Up Down—Up Up Down-Down Down—Down Up Up Down… Now that strumming is repeated the whole way through the song.

That’s all the parts on how to play free fallin on guitar by tom petty, a classic song from 80′s. We hope you’ve got a lot from this guitar lesson…and have improved your strumming, chords and chord changes. – Your Guitar Success

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